New Kevin CAST:
Timmy Budinger
Anthony Fama
Luke Griffen
Nopey Narayanan
Joe Marotta
Al Weber
Shaun Clayton

"[New Kevin] incorporate[s] humor from their expertise in physics, philosophy, astronomy and generally scholastic dispositions"
Jennifer Duffy - Arizona Daily Star

New Kevin is an improv comedy group based in Tucson, Arizona.

New Kevin specializes in a particular type of improvisation known as "long-form," which was refined by a man named Del Close.

It differs from the type of improv seen in the popular TV show "Whose Line is it Anyway?" in that instead of many different "games" being played, "long-form" improv is an attempt to create many different scenes and create a narrative.

We're the only group in Tucson that is purely long-form. We hope to bring awareness of this style of improv to the greater Tucson community.

We started performing on October 3rd, 2002. Since then we have been seen at Vaudeville Cabaret, Bookman's, 7 Black Cats, and the S.I.C.K. 11 comedy festival headlined by The Daily Show's Lewis Black. If you want to see us on a regular basis, though, you can see our shows at the University of Arizona and the Wilde Playhouse.

We hope you enjoy the show.