Apollo 12 CAST:
Bill Binder
Tommy Cannon
Shane Carey
Mack Duncan
Stacey Gordon
Greg Jarvis
Jon Jahrmarkt
Robin Sherman
Darin Webb

4707 E Belleview St.
Phoenix, AZ 85008


"It is always refreshing to see a group play to the top of their game as well as the audiences’ intellect. Apollo 12 set the bar high"
Yvonne Landry - Director, Southern Improv Festival

Famed improvisor Keith Johnstone once observed that when a troupe is afraid to grow, its best performers will drift away. In one instance the entire troupe drifted at once. Founded in 1998 as part of The ComedySportz franchise, the group grew in experience and knowledge to the point that the limitations of the format were no longer challenging or satisfying. The group left the league in 2002 to form a group unlimited in their artistic choices.